Frequently Asked Questions
What is Ham Radio? Amateur Radio (ham radio) is a popular hobby and service that brings people, electronics and communication together. People use ham radio to talk across town, around the world, or even into space, all without the Internet or cell phones. It’s fun, social, educational, and can be a lifeline during times of need.
Who is it for? Our members range from techies deep in geek speak to those who want to learn the basics. We focus on education, fun, emergency communications and building strong community relationships. All of these strengthen our ability to work as a team and provide life saving communications to and from emergency services and first responders in times of emergency or a disaster.
How do I get a Ham Radio License or a Radio? Visit our Licensing or Learn pages for lots more info. Radio equipment is available at ham radio supply companies like Ham Radio Outlet or DX Engineering.
How do I join the SC4ARC discussion group? You must subscribe to to participate in discussions. This requires an email address, but it will not be published, traded, or shared.
When is your next meeting? Our club meets the third Saturday of each month at 10am. There are no meetings in June or December. Meetings have returned to "in-person", but may occasionally be held by Zoom. Contact our Secretary for more information or a link to join the meeting. All visitors and members are welcome!
What is a Repeater? A repeater is a two-way radio system that receives on one frequency, then re-transmits what it receives on another frequency. That's referred to as the "offset". Repeaters allow for broad coverage of many communities for communication.
Why is a Repeater Important? A repeater is important because your mobile or hand-held transceiver has a limited range due to it’s antenna height with respect to the radio horizon, low wattage, and rf attenuating surroundings. Repeater systems are used to “transfer” your transmitted and received signals to much higher levels electronically using large, very efficient high gain antennas, low loss feedlines and a transmitter and receiver that is rated for heavy or continuous duty. A repeater “gets out” your signal and receives the station you are talking to with a far greater range and coverage area. You take advantage of the repeater’s higher elevation to increase your effective transmitting and receiving coverage versus your mobile or hand held transceiver!