Weekly Nets

Net Control Operator sign-ups below

A "Net" is an on-the-air gathering of amateur radio operators. A formal, or "directed" net has a single Net Control Operator that manages the conversation or "traffic" on the net. Nets can be scheduled on a regular basis or can be called in the event of an emergency or other incident.

SC4ARC holds an SC4ARES net every Monday evening at 7:30pm on the 2 meter frequency of 146.730, CTCSS tone 114.8, and a minus (-) offset of 600 kHz. Any licensed operator is welcome to join the net for check-ins and neighborly discussions.

Our weekly nets are an opportunity to improve your skills using your radio and speaking over the air. We learn how to speak slowly and clearly, work with the repeater, deal with doubles (when two stations speak at once), make sure our batteries are charged, and how our antennas are working for both transmission and reception. We also relay important notices about club meetings and other upcoming events.

If you're not sure how to set your radio to the correct frequency or CTCSS (PL) tone, please check out our Ham Buddy Program so we can find someone near you to help. We can also assist with antenna recommendations to make sure you have good transmission and reception to and from our repeater.

The SC4ARES Net Control script is here:
Net Control Script

The 2024 SC4ARES Net Check-in list is here:
Net List by Area
Net List by Call Sign
Net List by Suffix

The script for Silent Key is here:
Amateur Last Call for a Silent Key

Go to our Event Calendar and click on a Monday night to see that evening's operator