Monthly Meetings

SC4ARC has grown to more than fifty members and meets regularly the third Saturday of each month. Meetings are typically held at the La Honda Fire Station at 8945 Hwy 84, La Honda. We also hold meetings periodically in the Skyline, Pescadero and San Gregorio areas. Due to other annual club activities no meetings are held in June, August, October and December.

Our meetings begin with an overview of upcoming events, officer and committee reports, and conclude with a technical session of some sort. Our ARES EC (Amateur Radio Emergency Services emergency coordinator) often presents classes on ARES activations, preparations, and FEMA courses.

In addition, special gatherings are held to focus on topics such as HF (high frequency) radios, digital communications, communication skills, radio programming, antenna building, and more! These sessions are relaxed and informal, often at a member's home.

Contact our secretary for a Zoom invitation or more information about upcoming meetings.


Learning the knobs and dials on HF Radios
(20 meters, 40 meters, 80 meters)

GPS & Map Skills

Using maps, compasses and GPS to navigate and accurately find your location and that of others.