Welcome to SC4 Amateur Radio Club!
We bring together the communities of La Honda, Loma Mar, Pescadero, San Gregorio, South Skyline, Butano, Middleton Tract, and Skylonda for training in emergency communications and neighborly talk.
A new record for contacts was made at this year's event! See our Events page.
Sharon and Martine prepare the center-fedÂ
Dipole Antenna for Field Day
Parking lot at La Honda Open Space Preserve
at the top of Sears Ranch Rd, La Honda 2023
7:30 pm every Monday evening on 2 meters. All are welcome to join in on the SC4ARC repeater.
Radio Frequency is 146.730 with an offset of minus (-) 600 kHz and CTCSS tone of 114.8.
MONTHLY CLUB MEETINGS: the 3rd Saturday of each month at 10am (no meetings in June, August, October or December)
Next meeting is October 19th, 2024. This will be a field trip to KSF maritime installation in Half Moon Bay!
Last formal meeting of the year will be November 16th. We'll have a presentation of portable antennas.
Simulated Emergency Test (SET) - October 5th
November 16th club meeting
Club Holiday Party! - December 6th at Cuesta Clubhouse
Join the Club
The Club meets monthly the 3rd Saturday at 10am at various locations around La Honda. Check the Events page for our calendar and other special activities. General news, radio tips, and other useful info is posted on SC4ARC Groups.io.
Learn Radio
Find Us On the Air
Use our club repeater coverage maps and band plan to connect with friendly hams around the San Mateo County coast.
Join our weekly call-in net, 7:30pm Mondays on the 146.730 repeater.
Serving Our Community
The SC4 Amateur Radio Club sponsors SC4ARES which provides emergency communication services during disasters for the South Coast of San Mateo County. Check out all of our ARES resources, including the Field Operating Guide, ICS Forms, and checklists for disaster preparation and Go-Kits.
If you wish to be active in SC4ARES contact our ARES Liason Officer